
Wessel sent me yet another ‘nice guy looking over the fence’, but with something to take into consideration…

Wessel Dankers                 _\\|//_            <wsldanke@cs.ruu.nl>
`Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear 
to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than
what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'

Eelko is the maintainer of the Dutch Alien pages and a fellow student on this faculty

Eelko de Vos (Netherlands)

Eelko         /\                                         /\
---------.  ,'  `---------------------------------------'  `.  ,-------------
 -,_      \/                  Eelko de Vos                   \/       _,-
    \               e-mail: vos@dutiws.twi.tudelft.nl                /
     \                  phone: (+31)(0)15-2133391                   /
,_    |         http://dutial.twi.tudelft.nl/~alien/eelko.html     |    _,
  `-,__|       Studying Computer Science at Delft University      |__,-'
_______'               Maintainer of the Alien FAQ                `_______
  VVVV  ______,_                                          _,______  VVVV
\|XXXX|/|/|/|/(_      Check out the Alien WWW pages!      _)\|\|\|\|XXXX|\
_M_M_M_          http://dutial.twi.tudelft.nl/~alien/alien.html    _M_M_M_
      _)                                                          (_
\______\                   'Queen takes Bishop'                   /______/



Elzo Smid sent me a lot of signatures he has used…

"Hierbij de signatures die ik tot nu toe gebruikt heb. Met
auteursvermelding, want ze zijn lang niet allemaal van mijzelf!"

   __&__          (#########)
  /     \        (#########)   |\/\/\/|
 |       |      (#########)    |      |
 |  (o)(o)       (o)(o)(##)    |      |
 C   .---_)    ,_C     (##)    | (o)(o)
  | |.___|    /____,   (##)    C      _)
  |  \__/       \     (#)      |  ,___|
  /_____\        |    | |       /  \
 /_____/ \       OOOOOO        /____\
/         \     /      \      /      \

Homer          Marge           Bart

             THE SIMPSONS

(author unknown)

You're walking. And you don't always realize it,
but you're always falling.
With each step you fall forward slightly.
And then catch yourself from falling.
Over and over, you're falling.
And then catching yourself from falling.
And this is how you can be walking and falling
at the same time.

(Laurie Anderson, Americanse performance-artist)

I don't want more choice
I just want nicer things

Deze week een kilo mandarijnen voor maar f 2,25!

De mens onderscheidt zich van het dier door
zijn ééénoooooooorrremme associatievermogen

(Elzo Smid)

a man of true values and odd novelties

(Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew)

Rags make paper - paper makes money - money makes banks -
banks make loans - loans make beggars - beggars make rags.

(auteur onbekend)

The difficult we do immediately,
the impossible takes a little longer

Moeilijke dingen doen we meteen,
onmogelijke kosten even wat meer tijd

God created a few perfect people,
the rest is righthanded.

(authors unknown)

So far Elzo’s signatures…

Here’s a piece of HTML as a signature (and so is my signature!)…

<center><a href="http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/2994/"><img border=0 src="http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/2994/teeth.gif"></a></center><p>
<center><tt>Was here...</tt></center>


Ido wants you to visit his home page. So: click in the HREF!

Ido Schacham <idos@netmedia.net.il>

     "To be nobody-but-yourself--in a world
       which is    000000   000000    doing
         its best    000     000    night
           and day,    00   00    to ma
             e you ev    0 0    erybo
              dy else-    0    -mean 
             s to fig    0 0    ht th
           e hardes    00   00    t bat
         tle whic    000     000    h any
       human be    000000   000000    ing c
     an fight; and never stop fighting."  -e.
            Xaxis <-->Ido Schacham            cummings
         idos@netmedia.net.il, Israel

Michelle Agnew <mlagnew@1st-coast.com>

  |                                   ____________                  |
  |                                   `---..._ *  \ Lake City,      |
  |                                           `.   \  Florida       |
  |        Michelle Agnew                       '   \     USA       |
  |     mlagnew@1st-coast.com                   |    |              |
  |                                              \   |              |
  |                                               \_/               |
  |                                             ...`                |

cherylynn caswell (usa)

cherylynn caswell
*smile while driving*


Fernando Tassone (italia)

     _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ |Fernando Tassone
    _/         _/      |tassone@avigliana.alpcom.it
   _/_/_/     _/       |   /|  /           
  _/         _/        |  / | / /\  /| / |\ /\      
 _/         _/ SOFT    | /  |/ /--\/ |/  |/ \/


Tabajara R. M.

 (   ) Tabajara R. M. 
 /|^|\ saga@sti.com.br 

Yes, it's small, but I need small sigs in my messages. :)
If you'll wish a big-monsters-sigs in the future... #)



                                   Do radioactive cats have 18 half lives?
+---------------------------------   `,--------+-------+--------------------+
|Hmm...  If you throw a cat out   ,\, #        |   |   |Everything needs  a |
|  the window, does it become     |/  ?        |___O___|beginning, middle   |
|    kitty litter?                | ~ )\       | \/|\/ |and an end except...|
|z   |\      _,,,---,,_           /__/\ \____  |  //   +====================+
| z  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_       /   \_/    \ |  \\   | Albert Lee         |
|   |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     / <_ ____,_  \|   |   | hbecs317           |
+= '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) ========/___/_____  \==+==========@csun1.csun.edu===+
                     Copywight 1996 Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved.


  WWWWW      ___________________________
 ## o o\    /       Frank de Lange       \
 }#   \|   /      +31-70-3712708 day      \
  ##---# _/      +31-320-252965 night      \
   ####   \frank.de.lange@inet.unisource.nl/
           \  frank.de.lange@net.info.nl  /


Blake Handley (Canada)

Blake in AV              ^___ ^    They say "You can't take it with you"
Camosun College         }@   @{          Well they were wrong.  You can.
Victoria, BC            (  ^  )            You are allowed one piece of 
                         / W \                                  luggage.
                        /// \\\                                         
Email-                 ( m | m )    /XX\                  Forever Plaid
handley@camosun.bc.ca   \\\ ///\__XXXXX/          
                        /m\ /m\ \XXXXX/

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